A few days ago I told you about how this band started:
to occupy the image of Cassandra Megan QT Sandra MAE, making them go through a group of friends who have had a series of problems when traveling through Europe and also as consorts or companions of a prinsesa in these cases if they will realize not to them there is no type of certificate from a hospital which proves what happened to them is true or that if they have notified the embassy and if there is a consulate or an embassy of that country.
the way to ask for the money the way they ask for the money to have a despair on their part that makes the history of them more credible when they mention all the way they have made the way they have collected the money to make the trip all over Europe up to the amount is not appropriate if at one point says in the case of ballast friends who are about to violate but some people help them and alleged violators escape with all the cos of them how and why to observe an echo of this nature if you observe or see that an echo is happening so they would do is that this is a story.
To make the story more credible and that these people take them to the hospital and proceed to withdraw from the premises leaving them to their fate if they will realize at any minute the police report is made of an assault of an attempted rape or even the intention of part of these people to make the respective complaint in the nearest police unit . At the same time the alleged assault which makes any victim fall the other inconsistency is the amount requested.